Can they be trusted?!

by Crash
(Goodland, KS)

Dress like a model or superstar then walk around while having friends disguised as reporters following you.

Be creative!

Carry fancy gift bags like you've just been shopping. Dress in clothes someone won't recognize. Then you can find a person you're spying on and see if they how they react.

Later ask them if they saw a model or someone walking around. They may say yes but that they got your autograph or vice versa. They could lie to be like everyone else. Then you know if they can be trusted.

Comments for
Can they be trusted?!

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Good for training NEW
by: Asadala

Cool trust exersise good for trying to get members for spy clubs

I don't understand. NEW
by: Anonymous

Isn't the whole point of a discise to NOT be noticed?

I don't understand. NEW
by: Anonymous

Isn't the whole point of a discise to NOT be noticed?

Cool NEW
by: Anonymous

It's a neat idea but what if you are 9 years old
Like me who is going to fall for it?

Cover comments NEW
by: Kid Agent T

Great disguise and all, but won't acting like a model make you stand out? The purpose of a disguise is to make you blend in with your environment. (ex. if you were in a mall you could dress as a normal teenage girl.)
But good idea for the "can you trust them" thing! Keep up the good work!

very nice
by: detective jones

its a good idea but i mean where i live (suffolk,virginia) stuff like that never happenes and it would be very suspicious and could give you away as well.

by: Agent T

Very clever

by: Cutie108

thats actually a pretty cool idea. i think ill try that.even though ur idea is good, u shouldnt overdue it.i mean wut r the chances of selena gomez in hidden valley, where i live.(but it would b better if u lived in CA. i live in AZ,Inthe desert.)

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