Top Secrets for the 21st Century Spy

RELEASED for Public
Information, lessons, gadgets and more for the 21st century spy.

Mr. XWelcome, Fellow Agent!

My name is scratched(a.k.a. Agent Orange). Please come closer to the screen...

I have some secrets for you!

I wanted to be a secret agent for as long as I can remember. When I was a boy, I was making my own gadgets. And since then, I've been collecting everything I could find about the art of spying.

Whether you want to know about the intelligence community, learn about the scratched, scratched and scratched, or you want to check what your Nanny is doing when you're at work, you've come to the right place!

Top Spy Secrets is your resource for:

  • Learning the skills of real undercover agents
  • Information on the Intelligence community
  • Surveillance techniques
  • Cryptology and information exchange
  • Pinhole camera's, gadgets and other equipment
  • Cool spy crafts
  • and more!

I hope you enjoy my site as much as I enjoyed creating it!

Kind regards,

"Agent Orange"

P.S. If you find this website useful, I'll greatly appreciate if you share or link to this page so that others can find it. It's easy to do, just use this:

New! Stay in touch with new and interesting spy techniques and gadgets. Leave your e-mail address and code name, and you'll receive messages from Uncle (TSS Headquarters) in your dead letter box (a.k.a. mailbox) at irregular intervals. And, from one spy to another, your information is completely secure!

E-mail address

Code Name


Don't worry -- your e-mail address is totally secure.
I promise to use it only to send you messages from Uncle.